I soon discovered that there were
NO update kits available for my desired
model, so I thought I might as well
give scratch building the parts
needed a shot.The Bushrangers were equipped with
7.62mm Miniguns and XM-158 rocket pods, and Door mounted
Twin M-60’s.These were the only parts that needed to be scratch built
(also including the ammo box for
the M-60’s).
Luckily, this kit comes with the
Miniguns, so I ended up not
having to scratch build these!
After finishing the Huey itself,
it was time to start attaching the weapons.
I started with the easiest of the
3, the Miniguns.
I then attached the arms that hold
the Rockets, which involved making
a small tube to put in between the
arm attached to the Huey, and the
arm attached to the actual pods,
I made this from a small piece of plastic hose.
Once these were attached, I started
the scratch building of the Rocket Pods.
I initially began with plastic drinking
straws, but realizing these were
way out of scale, I turned to wooden
BBQ skewers, which turned
out perfect, I cut 14 of them to
the length of 46mm each, then glued
them together, 7 “rocket tubes”
for either pod.
I then used the aluminum from a pie
tin for the two bars that hold
all the tubes together. I pained
them Humbrol 66.
Once the pods were done, I attached
them to the arm,
and the XM-158’s were done!